Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanh - The: Soya Bean Drink

Hello drinks fans!

Apologies for the lenghty delay in brew reviews!  The Drinks Master has been undergoing relocation of the Drinks Cave, which has diverted his time from beverage ingestion to moving box de-congestion.

However, in the relocation your hero took the opportunity to lighten the load by drinking rather than moving potential goods-in-transit.  The result is a short brew review of Thanh-The's green Soya Bean Drink.

mmmm Soylent Green

The Drinks Master has been intrigued by soya bean drinks for years, particularly those that were of a colour one would not usually associate with adjectives such as "fresh", "appealing" or "safe".  In that light, when perusing the wares of a local Asian supermarket when in dire need of refreshment lead to the acquisition of the aforementioned product.

Soya based softener
Thanh-The is a local producer  (relative to the Drinks Master) of what appears to be a Vietnamese treat. This particular offering was presented in delectable forest fresh fabric softer green, although other options of off-white and pink were available; perhaps for future consideration?  Thanh-The have taken the simple packaging structure of a plastic PET bottle, no frills labeling all easily accessed via a simple screw top.

Upon opening, Soya Bean Drink smelt curiously like tofu, with a faint sweet after tone.  The consistency of the product was akin to a thin milk, although no milk mustache was imparted from a brash swig from the bottle.  Noting the olfactory impact, SBD's first impact on the taste buds was unsurprisingly akin to liquefied tofu.

Now the Drinks Master understands that many folk don't like tofu, and admittedly it is an acquired taste.  Fortunately DM is quite impartial to a soya based hit, and so while the initial tofu blast was not gag worthy to the master, rookie gulpers may have otherwise spurted a soya spray across their hapless drinking partners.  

The question remains, was it a thirst quencher?  Unfortunately no, but it certainly weighed tenuously in the stomach immolating any short term appetite for food.   SBD could be well marketed as a natural appetite suppressant; are you paying attention Thanh-The?

Having sampled a variety of bean based drinks in his time, your hero was glad to have finally partaken of the mysterious green soya and removed it from the list of unknown delicacies of the liquid spectrum. However his desire to relive the experience was hardly voracious.  

If tofu is your game, and the thought of liquefying it with sugar cane sounds like your version of ambrosia, then you are in luck.  If however you are like the other 99% of the population... well you know what they say...


  1. Try having a sip after some Asian food laced with chilli — clears the palate really well!

    Also, is the green colour from pandan? (Pandan is a plant which, if you boil the leaves, naturally makes that gorgeous light green colour.)

  2. It could well be. I have been gunning to try one of these for so long, and may well try a different brand and colour together with a hot dish. It didn't sit too well though on an empty stomach :)

  3. That is really good and interesting post, I enjoyed reading but I am not sure if I am going to give it a try or not. Anyways thanks for sharing the post with us

  4. Thank you for making the mention of this Soya Bean Drink and I am guessing this is a healthy alternative. I have heard a lot about the dangers of energy drinks
