Coming in a delightful green PET bottle, Paldo's "Aloe" passes the first test - you can tell what it claims to be made out of.. aloe vera.
Although greeted with a combination of Chinese, Japanese and Korean the lucky imbiber is granted the luxury of an English (and French for those so inclined) ingredients list as follows:
water, aloe vera gel powder, aloe vera crush (8.1%) corn syrup, sugar, anhydrous citric acid, calcium lactate and ascorbic acid.
It's totally the calcium lactate that makes it.
The drink tastes more like lychees than I imagine aloe would taste like, being the kind of individual who squirts aloe over cuts and grazes than breaking off a stem and squirting into my mouth.
I suspect the "Aloe Crush" to comprise the little pieces of joy that are suspended, somehow miraculously without sinking, in the liquid. They add a small "chunkiness" to the drink.. enjoyed by all.
All in all it satisfied the claim of being "the Refreshing Drink" as claimed and, in addition, made no one immediately ill.
Would I drink it again: yes
Would I recommend other people that I like drink it: yes
Would I rub it on my cuts and grazes: probably not
Aleo vera is super beneficial for almost everything. From your hair to your toes, and if it tastes like lychees rather then Aleo do give it a try